our industries

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed metus nisl, consectetur posuere tellus id, semper congue mi. In elementum nisi ut ligula aliquam, at varius tellus pharetra.

know more

  • Automotive
  • Chemicals
  • Energy & Utilities
  • Healthcare
  • Manufacturing
  • Telecommunications
  • 07 Aug, 2017
  • Lenny L. Garner

The Truth About Automotive Is About To Be Revealed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed laoreet nulla a felis condimentum, in elementum nisi finibus.


  • 03 Oct, 2017
  • Jermaine A. Bell

10 Great Tips To Earn More In The Automotive Industry

Suspendisse a tellus nisl. Etiam enim nibh, maximus nec justo nec, sagittis facilisis leo. Proin quis tincidunt diam. Integer sit amet ullamcorper orci.


  • 12 Oct, 2017
  • Norma T. King

Five Moments That Basically Sum Up Your Automotive Experience

Nulla sed vulputate dolor, non ultrices nunc. Sed nunc metus, eleifend eu suscipit ut, viverra ut tellus. Integer ut felis non nulla volutpat posuere.


  • 04 Aug, 2017
  • Ramona T. Gerena

15 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Rely On Chemicals Anymore

Integer sodales nunc in tortor hendrerit suscipit. Pellentesque semper leo non ipsum pharetra, ut fringilla sapien tincidunt.


  • 01 Oct, 2017
  • Anthony C. Perez

7 Chemicals Tips You Need To Learn Now

Nunc ut diam vestibulum, ullamcorper eros in, placerat ex. Aliquam eu libero lacinia, ultricies sem pulvinar, laoreet enim. Aliquam eget feugiat enim, eu aliquam lorem.


  • 17 Oct, 2017
  • Tammy J. Esparza

What Causes The Emerging Trend Of Chemicals Industry In Asia?

Maecenas porttitor est justo, id vulputate orci ullamcorper ac. Cras venenatis eleifend magna. Etiam iaculis nisl justo, nec maximus tellus accumsan in.


  • 11 Aug, 2017
  • Roger S. Santos

10 Secrets About Energy & Utilities That Nobody Will Tell You

Ut pretium odio ut turpis fermentum congue. Etiam molestie ultrices turpis sed lacinia. Aliquam fermentum porta sem, a gravida est facilisis non.


  • 08 Oct, 2017
  • Andre B. McVey

Seven Reasons Why People Like Energy & Utilities

Mauris sit amet dictum quam. Phasellus fermentum pretium ante non congue. Nulla facilisi. Nam blandit eleifend tortor ut dictum.


  • 20 Oct, 2017
  • Nicole W. Ross

15 Small But Important Things To Observe In Energy & Utilities

Vivamus pretium, odio et tincidunt sagittis, tellus elit tempus mi, at dapibus tellus tellus nec libero. Curabitur consectetur id enim sit amet varius.


  • 01 Aug, 2017
  • Jean F. Fogle

All You Need To Know About Healthcare

Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus malesuada, eros eget posuere cursus, ipsum nibh mollis sapien, eget porttitor ante nunc sit amet metus.


  • 06 Oct, 2017
  • Curtis A. Arsenault

This Year Will Be The Year of Healthcare

Nulla finibus diam sit amet velit vehicula auctor. Sed rutrum et libero vitae sollicitudin. Pellentesque non auctor enim.


  • 14 Oct, 2017
  • Amy L. Bogle

10 Great Healthcare Ideas That You Can Share With Your Friends

Praesent id arcu nec massa condimentum efficitur. Mauris non velit sed tortor sodales rhoncus sed a lacus. In quis erat fringilla, lacinia justo ac, dictum dolor.


  • 17 Aug, 2017
  • Geneva K. Wilson

Five Ways Manufacturing Can Improve Your Business

Maecenas blandit nunc ut arcu venenatis, quis lacinia sapien feugiat. Donec fringilla ipsum vitae faucibus elementum.


  • 24 Oct, 2017
  • Lisa A. Bohanon

Understanding The Background Of Manufacturing Industry

Maecenas facilisis magna nisi, fringilla sollicitudin erat pulvinar a. Aenean efficitur mauris ut ex blandit, non dictum lorem vulputate.


  • 24 Oct, 2017
  • Ronald C. Underwood

Seven Facts You Never Knew About Manufacturing

Vivamus venenatis interdum tellus, vel consequat nunc molestie id. Nunc consectetur massa in erat fermentum, eu placerat libero viverra.


  • 24 Aug, 2017
  • Judith W. Johns

15 Telecom Trends You Should Know Before Even Starting Your Business

Proin tempus justo et enim lacinia lobortis. Aliquam urna mi, dictum nec lorem a, fringilla tempor nibh. Phasellus nec auctor magna.


  • 11 Oct, 2017
  • Denice D. Sheffield

Now Is The Time For You To Know The Truth About Telecom

Morbi ac pretium justo, vel vestibulum ante. Cras rhoncus vestibulum sem auctor feugiat. Praesent varius ante sem, vel dictum mauris blandit a.


  • 30 Oct, 2017
  • Ruby C. Hudson

Five Useful Tips From Experts In Telecom

Nullam tristique est diam, ac efficitur urna interdum nec. Nulla pulvinar non justo et cursus.


who we are

Gurutwa Infotech is the leading innovator in Training, Recruitment and Human Resource Consulting ..


what we do

We source the highest quality candidates for our clients using various source ..


how we do it

Submit your job opening online in just minutes, or simply call us. Either way, our recruiting specialists ..


why we do it

Passion for cyber security keeps us going! Being the security domain for more than 15 years


the pain is real

Industry challenges

Demand for skilled security professionals is one of the biggest challenges facing the industry today, and it's only expected to grow; experts predict a shortage of 1.5 million open and unfilled security positions by 2020.

Cybersecurity Skills Are in High Demand, Yet in Short Supply

With cyber-attacks on the rise, organization need more and more security professionals to defend their network.

Shortage is resources is boosting the salaries

Resulting in high pay to less deserved.
Many of those who have jobs in cybersecurity don't have the requisite skills.

Agencies and private corporations compete fiercely for limited talent.

A candidate is approached by more than 3 agencies for the same open position.

Retaining cybersecurity resources is a major challenge.

46 percent of cybersecurity professionals are contacted to pursue new job opportunities at least once per week!

Higher 'no-show' rate. Candidates reject the offer at last moment.

Cybersecurity is a very aggressive environment for talent. You can think you have a great candidate, then someone else drops in and doubles the salary offer at the last minute.

Most companies do not have the flexibility to invest on training

To develop fresh pool of security professionals.


Our personalized candidate screening process will change the way you think about staffing companies.

Gurutwa Infotech understands the competitive pressures you face in finding the best prospects for your company. That's why we revolutionized the search process to save you time and money. As one of the leading recruiting firms devoted to the permanent and temporary placement of cybersecurity professionals, we will make your job easier by accessing the most talented individuals in the industry and making them available to you.

we are the best

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Know the people you work with.


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Hardworking People


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Why Gurutwa?

reasons told by our clients


When you get a candidate from Gurutwa, that person has been fully vetted. We pay close attention to vital interpersonal skills like communication abilities, attitude, and agility.

Training & Mentoring?

Gurutwa contractors and consultants undergo extensive training and mentoring to be an immediate asset to our clients


Whether you need one person or a whole team of people, Gurutwa can put together a support and staffing package that aligns with the financial and scheduling realities of your company.


Gurutwa offers flexible terms and conditions to suit your needs. We can support both short and long-term engagements.

Quick TurnAround

Replacement of open position in just few days